Please Note : If you are checking the live preview on desktop or mobile device please remove the top frame (theme switcher) to see a perfectly responsive layout Credit jQuery Cordrops Google Web fonts FancyBox Bootstrap Modernizr IstopeImages used in the DemoAll images and videos used in the demo are not distributed with the theme. They are all licensed under Creative Commons and credited to their respective creator/owner.Photos used in the demo site from :Bill Ledger & Photodune All Rights ReservedChangelogV 1.7 8-12-2013 + fix clients / our team blocks for mobile responsiveV 1.6 4-12-2013 + fix menu responsive for tablet and mobileV 1.5 28-11-2013 + Fix minor bugs + fix responsive for portfolio pageV 1.4 22-11-2013 + Added Variant Blogs Page - Large Images - Medium Images - Small Images + Added single post Page V 1.3 18-11-2013 + Added Multi Drop Menu + fixed Countdown Js for under construction page + seprate social network icons from main menuV 1.2 5-11-2013 + Added 5 New home page layout + fixed google map height for mobile devices + fixed portfolio width for mobile devicesV 1.1 3-11-2013 + Added 8 Colors Styles + Added 8 different pages color style you can add unlimite colors by replace your new code color in one time from theme.cssV 1.0 1-11-2013 + Initial Release