Reventon is the Clean Multi-Purpose Responsive Wordpress theme built for corporate, business, software company or portfolio website. It comes with many cool features ex. Express Slider included, 4 Header Options, Page Section Editor, 3 Main Menu Styles, font and background image. There are also 50+ advanced shortcodes with Shortcode Generator support. You can also use 600 + Installable Google Web Fonts.With a features of Reventon, you can use this theme for any purposes. Such as Business, Portfoli, Personal, Showcase, Shop or Restaurant etc.TestimonialsGreat theme. Really clean, well-written, clean code, tons of features, great animations… I can’t find a single thing to pick on. Just extremely well done. I wish I could rate more than 5 labarts, Reventon ThemeI just bough one. This is a GREAT THEME, awesome design and have a lot of options that fit my needs. Thank you for making my life easy!!!Pixygen, Reventon ThemeLove this theme and so impressed with the customer support!!! Has been great for someone like myself with very little experience! Absolutely Fantastic!tonybezozz, Reventon ThemeThanks! Your team by far offers the fastest and best support of anyone I have purchased a theme from, thanks again. I look forward to purchasing again from your portfoliojmf5115, Reventon ThemeFeatures Wordpress 3.6 Compatible Responsive Design (Mobile Friendly) Express Slider Included($15 worth) Isotope Included ($25 worth) Flex Slider Supports Parallax background on Page Section supports Animated Content with 56 transitions and 29 easings One-Page Navigation Supports Layout Customization Fullwidth and Boxed Layouts 9 Page templates including Maintenance Page Template. 2 Different Blog page styles 4 Header Styles 3 Main menu styles supports ( Default menu, List menu, Large Menu ) Portfolio with filtering option 4 Portfolio Page Styles 4 Project Single Page Styles Unlimited sidebar. Create and select sidebar for each of your page! Advanced Theme Options 50+ useful shortcodes Shortcode Generator 600 + Installable Google Web Fonts Advanced Typography Options Custom font upload 6 Font Icon Sets (1400+ icons) with selectable sets Unlimited Colors with 9 Predefined color schemes Easy Page Section Manager with Drag and Drop ordering Team and FAQ modules support Translation ready with po, mo files support Built-in Social media sharing Instant Search Child Theme Supports 6 Custom Widgets Recent Posts Archives Contact Facebook Feed Twitter feed Flickr Feed Contact Form Manager. Control and order which field to show on contact page from Admin panel Captcha Spam filter support for Contact Form Image Gallery with uploader support multiple images upload Custom Post Type support for Portfolios and Slides Wordpress custom menu support Blog page single post and comments Unobtrusive jQuery powered effects All preview images does not includedChangelogV1.0.9 – December 2nd, 2013- IMPROVE: Various font weight for Google font- IMPROVE: Custom CSS on child theme- IMPROVE: The font icon sets in shortcode editor- FIX: Express slider transitioning- FIX: Infobox shortcode on shortcode editor- FIX: Error on search pageV1.0.8 – September 30th, 2013- NEW: Able to upload 2 custom fonts- IMPROVE: Shortcode Generator (Easier to choose icon)- IMPROVE: Compatibility of CodeStyling Localization- FIX: Nav highlight- FIX: Several bugsV1.0.7 – September 18th, 2013- NEW: Pre-defined color schemes- NEW: Add option for Submenu Hightlight Color- NEW: Option for turn off the lightbox on clicking the portfolio item image- IMPROVE: Button shortcode option in Shortcode Generator- IMPROVE: Sidebar shortcode rendering- IMPROVE: Document for more clearly- FIX: On-Page scrolling on Firefix/IE- FIX: Several bugsV1.0.6 – September 9th, 2013- IMPROVE: Document for more clearly- FIX: Skype icon in member shortcode- FIX: Shortcode editor error in some scenerio- FIX: Layout of Portfolio - Half template- FIX: Several bugsSee full changelog here