WordPress 3.8 Ready!WPML & Localization ( .po .mo ) Ready!WorkSpace is compatible with WPML plugin for multi language translation.WorkSpace is a multi-purpose theme with variety of shorcodes and portfolio showcases. Each of the portfolio set can be generated with 1,2,3 and 4 column layout with or without sidebars. Blogs lists and grids are supported, with fullwidth and sidebar features.A variety of homepages can be generated using shortcodes with parallalax blocks and animated on focus progress bars and counters.Live Demohttp://workspace.imaginemthemes.com/wp/Supporthttp://support.imaginemthemes.comGenerate Homepage using ShortcodesPage title enable/disablePage title header background image per page implementation.Display Revolution slider within page header. Portfolio Ajax Portfolio ( 1,2,3,4 Columns )Filterable Portfolio ( 1,2,3,4 Columns )Normal Portfoli ( 1,2,3,4 Columns )Portfolio SingleSlideshow headerVideo HeaderImage HeaderVertical image listColumn, Left or Right sidebar and Fullwdith support for each portfolio item.BlogNormal Blog listSmall thumbnail blog listBlog grid listAccent and Color controls from theme optionsGoogle Fonts Shortcodes1. Fullpage Block2. Section Heading3. Information Boxes4. Works Carousel5. Column Blog list6. Testimonials7. Lightbox8. Toggle9. Accordion10. Counter11. Buttons12. Pricing Table Generate pricing tables13. Highlight14. Audio Player15. Blog Slideshow16. Google Maps.17. Divider18. Service Boxes19. Portfolio Grid20. Recent Blog Recent blog posts21. Progress Bar22. Thumbnails23. Tabs24. Check lists25. Staff26. Alerts27. Coulmns28. Dropcap29. Pullquote30. Slideshow31. Portfolio Slideshow32. Callout Box33. Clients34. Socials LinksWidgetsPopular PostsRecent PostsTwitterGalleryPortfolio work listPortfolio Related listFlickrAddresssVideoSocialPages- Sample variety of Pages for use. Inlcuded with DEMO DataContact built in templateContact 7 plugin Compatible with custom stylesPSD Included77 Page PDF Help Guide..PO .MO Language Files inlcudesWPML Plugin ReadyDemo Data IncludedOthers* Multiple Sidebars* Advance Theme Options* Change colors of theme using theme options* 600+ Google web fonts choices* Lots of useful shortcodes with Shortcode generatorHelp GuidePDF Help Guide. Detailed screenshots and explanations. Step by step guide to creating the theme.XML Demo data file provided ( Ensures an easy to build site using Demo data )PSDs includedNotes( Photos not included in download pack ) All images purchased from PhotoduneMusic by DanoSongs.comhttp://www.danosongs.com/Videos by Blender Foundationwww.blender.org www.bigbuckbunny.orgVersion 1.7Fix: Theme options CSS affecting WP 3.8/css/menu/superfish.css/framework/admin/[all files and folders]/framework/options/[all files and folders]/framework/shortcodegen/tinymce/css/popup.cssVersion 1.310th Sep 2013Fix - Theme options color affects in Dark skin. - Theme options color affects sticky menu background :- /css/dynamic_css.php :- /functions.phpFix - Page/Post Custom fields drop down selector render fix for Chrome and Safari :- /framework/admin/css/style.cssAdd - Permalink Slug can be changed from theme options - Project text refer can be changed from theme options - Client and Skills text refers can be changed from theme options :- /framework/customposts/portfolio-register.php :- /framework/functions/framework-functions.php :- /framewrok/options/options-data.php :- /includes/ajax-loader.php :- /single-mtheme_portfolio.phpVersion 1.2Fix - Portfolio archives fix :- /functions.php :- /archive-mtheme_portfolio.php :- /framework/functions/framework-functions.php :- /taxonomy-types.php :- /header-navigation.phpVersion 1.130 August 2013Fix - Minor fix to get google maps working correctly. :- /functions.php