Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Templates Download Arctic - Architecture & Creatives WordPress Theme (Creative)

Templates Download wordpress,creative Arctic - Architecture & Creatives WordPress Theme (Creative)

Arctic is a full ajax WordPress theme, with a smooth experience.It has a sharp and clean design with Retina support.It is suitable for Architect and Creatives to show they work.8 Page Templates Choose between 8 page templates which are : Clients, Contact, Home, Projects Grid, Projects Horizontal, Home Fullscreen video, Services, Team. And make a perfect site which suits to any Creative Agency or Architect.Fullscreen home slider OR fullscreen home video Choose between 2 full screen multimedia home pages to show your work on its best way.Animated Menu Animate menu once, or every time user navigates to another page to make a better and smoother experience.Configure each slide on home individually with (Image,Captions and Animation) Configure each slide on home page from the home page, without bothering by creating custom posts, which makes the setup process faster and the theme flexible.Menu on TOP or Bottom Break out the rules, and if you want place the menu at the bottom of your site.Dark and Light skin Choose the nature of your site globally.Unbranded Options Panel The unbranded option panel to make the feel of it more native to WordPressDynamic Page + Post Meta Boxes Each page has it’s own Custom Meta Boxes which allows you to configure pages on individual basis, and if you want make more than a version of a single page template.Responsive Responsive to be viewed on it’s best layout on mobile and tablet devices.HTML5 History Push State While the site is loading only it’s dynamic part, not the all site via AJAX the URL still keeps refreshing, if user want’s to share it with others.Full Feature List 8 Page Templates Fullscreen home slider OR fullscreen home video Animated Menu Configure each slide on home individually with (Image,Captions and Animation) Menu on TOP or Bottom Dark and Light skin Unbranded Options Panel Dynamic Page + Post Meta Boxes (Control Your Site on page basis) Responsive Written with WP Debug On Threaded Comments Support Drop-down menu support (nested menus) HTML W3C Valid Dummy Content Included Clean Design All Google Fonts Included All famous social networks included PSD’s included Translation Ready (.mo and .po files included) Child Theme Ready Short-code Generator (Build Shortcodes easy using our UI) Unlimited theme updates + lifetime support Google Maps Ajax Contact Form Rich Option Panel Internal Like System Built with Bootstrap Ajax Loading Site (only loads dynamic part’s which makes theme incredibly fast) HTML5 History Push State (even if user is going through site via AJAX browser history keeps working) Custom Shortcodes CSS3 Animations Filter Projects or Redirect to Category page Smooth ScrollingSome happy clients talking about ArcticI just wanted to say a few things about this theme and the developer(s) behind it.We buy a lot of themes and tweak/customise them for clients on a day to day basis. Never have I come across a theme that is so easy to use, so well documented and so well built.The retina implementation is great, the optional CSS injection areas, the INCREDIBLY SIMPLE to use theme options and the optimised loading of the site – even over slower connections.Support has been great – with responses within a few minutes.Credit where it’s due, Arctic is a fantastic theme and comes with outstanding support.Well done guys, keep ‘em coming.DanFor any interested buyers, the theme is great and the author’s support is fantastic. really happy with UmbrellaStudios and the theme.Thx guys, you’ve been fantastic since launch!Changelog1.2.2 User can change slides by swipe on Mobile assets/css/dynamic.php VM168:3 assets/js/jquery.swipe.js VM168:3 functions.php VM168:3 header.php VM168:3 single-portfolio.php VM168:3 style.css VM168:3 template-home.php 1.2.1 Added support for Vimeo and Youtube assets/css/style.css VM213:3 assets/css/superslides.css VM213:3 functions.php VM213:3 includes/custom-fields.php VM213:3 single-portfolio.php VM213:3 style.css 1.2 Fixed Ajax Site Bug from Options Updated Documentation New Option : Choose the portfolio category layout New Option : Video on Portfolio assets/css/dynamic.php VM161:3 assets/css/style.css VM161:3 assets/js/script.js VM161:3 header.php VM161:3 includes/custom-fields.php VM161:3 single-portfolio.php VM161:3 style.css VM161:3 taxonomy-portfolio_category.php VM161:3 template-blog.php VM161:3 template-contact.php VM161:3 template-home.php VM161:3 template-projects-grid.php VM161:3 template-projects.php 1.1 Minor bug fixes Pagination bug fix Close (Back to projects) button added Logo fix assets/css/style.css VM179:3 assets/css/superslides.css VM179:3 assets/js/script.js VM179:3 header.php VM179:3 includes/custom-fields.php VM179:3 single-portfolio.php VM179:3 style.css VM179:3 template-contact.php 1.0.1 Added transition on client center End Of Lines converted to linux ones Hide loader only when all images are loaded Minor Css fixesInitial Release