Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

Themes Download MicroPrism - HTML (Corporate)

Themes Review site-templates,corporate MicroPrism - HTML (Corporate)

MicroPrism HTML Theme!MicroPrism is a minimalist modern template. 12 grid, and sections system make it very flexible.Some of the theme Features HTML5, with CSS3 (except for browser-vendor settings) Optimised and flexible css styling Tested in major browsers: IE9, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari Flexible 12-grid system Sections and containers systemPinterest style portfolio items presentation Pixel-perfect styling 7 premade color presets Resizeable sidebars Prettyphoto plugin integration Dummy content with multiple page template examples for portfolio, contact form, blog and homepage Working contact form with validation and ajax results jQery enhancedSmooth scrolling with slider parallax effect in a package that delivers great performance. Multi-level dropdown menus Flex slider with captions. Css buttons Pricing tablesAccordion toggle for faq/spoiler/download use Styled pagination SEO friendly Works great on tablets & phones Google Webfonts used Solid typography with lists, warning boxes, tables, blockquotes, code blocks and buttons Over 4800 lines of code in main.cssThe portfolio images in the preview were shot by me or my friends, or Jeremy Levine.Resources used icons by Icomoon isotope Flex slider prettyphoto by nomarginforerrors phpMailer by Worxware Open Sans font by Steve Matteson (from google webfonts) hoverIntent Twitter plugin by Jason Mayes jQuery imagesLoaded plugin by Paul Irish boilerplatePhotos for the preview: Ben Fredericson Photos for the preview: PhotoDune (click to see the collection). Photos for the template: Michal Ufnal, and myself. If you want to use them commercially, please contact me first. FAQI bought your theme and I like it, but I need help with XYZ.Thank you! I will answer all of your questions, and try to help with every possible issue as fast as i possibly can. Please use envato contact form to send me a message, write about problem in detail, and if possible – throw me a link showing the problem.Also, please bear in mind that I live in europe so if you are from other continent, responces could take up to few hours, as I’ll be probably still sleeping when you are awake.I bought your theme but I think you should include XYZ / I dont like it at all.Please explain what is not working to your liking, what should I improve to make it better. I really want you to enjoy this theme to it’s fullest.Is there wordpress version of this theme coming?Most likely, yes. Leave a comment if you like it, to motivate me to work harder!Is this theme hard to set-up?Not at all, but it certainly requires a bit of html/css knowledge. If you’d like to edit colors of the theme and you are afraid you don’t know enough about css to do that, you can contact me via themeforest and ask for special custom color theme! I’ll help for free with that.Thanks for reading!