The City News and Magazine theme features a very clean and elegant design and comes with many awesome features. It is built for the content oriented websites, but it can be very easily configured to use for any purpose. The theme is highly flexible, fully responsive and is incredibly easy to use. Created using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques.
Unlimited Color Schemes
You can build your own color scheme with the theme options. You can select the primary theme color, as well as colors for each category and text and links colors.
Left or Right Sidebar
You can display the sidebar to the left or right side of the theme. You can select its position from the theme options.
Homepage Layout
The homepage is fully configurable. It has a sidebars and a footer where you can use the widgets. You can fully configure the homepage and posts using the very easy and powerful theme options.

Theme Options
With our powerful theme options, the theme can be molded to fit your exact needs with minimum effort and time.
Great Typography Support
You can select any font from 500+ available Google fonts for the headings and the text. The fonts include the latin extended and support. You can also set the font sizes, margins, line heights for each of the heading and the text.
Lots of shortcodes
The theme offers lots of shortcodes and variations to those shortcodes what you can use to customize your posts and page layouts. The shortcode includes message boxes, list styles, text highlighting, videos, social sharing buttons, drop caps and lightbox images etc.
jQuery Contact Form with Captcha and Google Maps
The theme includes a custom Contact Form with Captcha Spam filter support. You can also use the Contact form widget in the siderbars or footer.
Translation ready
This theme is translation ready. We already prepare .pot file, you just need to translate it to .mo files
Dedicated Support
We provide dedicated after purchase support. We have our support forums, if you’re experiencing trouble getting setup, feel free to drop us a notice at http://forums.wellthemes.com/
We’ll do our best to answer all of your questions in a professional manner.
18 Custom Widgets
- Weather Widget Display the weather forecast.
- Stock Quotes Widget Display the stock information of the companies.
- Tab Posts Display the latest and popular posts in the tabs.
- Popular Posts Display the popular posts with thumbnails.
- Featured Video Display any video using the embeding code.
- Latest Tweets Display your latest tweets.
- Facebook Like box This widhet displays the Facebook likebox with the stream in the sidebar.
- About Us Display your information with logo and social links
- 150px Ads Block Display up to 4 150px ads.
- 300px Ad Display 300px ad.
- Flickr Gallery Display your Flickr images with lightbox.
- Contact Form Display contact form with captcha.
- Carousel Posts Display posts slider.
- Pinterest Widget Display pinterest images from all or a specific board.
- Recent Comments Display recent comments with user avatars.
- Polls Widget Display polls.
- RSS Subscribers Widget Display Feedburner email RSS subscription form.
- Google+ Widget Display Google+ profile widget.
Page Templates
- Blog Page Display blog posts list
- Archives Display the site archives.
- Contact Page Display jQuery powered contact form with captcha.
- Full Width Page Display width content without the sidebar.
- 404 Page Page to display 404 errors.
Premium Twitter Plugin with API 1.1
The theme includes a premium twitter plugin to display the latest tweets on the theme. It uses twitter latest API 1.1.
Other features worth to mention
- Logo, favicon and apple touch icon uploader
- Semantic, clean, valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Multi Level Dropdown Menu
- Responsive Slider
- Widget-ready sidebar and footer
- Built-in image cropping
- Lightbox images
- Captcha Spam filter support for Contact Form
- SEO Optimised
- Built-in related posts
- Built-in social sharing
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Properly commented and formatted source code
- Extensive Documentation
Check our other themes
Metro Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme
Pacific Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme

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