Seven shop is premium and responsive and retina ready Magento theme. It has a very customizable design and you can use itfor every type of online store.
Magento compatibility: 1.6 (,,, 1.7 (,, )
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Theme preview without frame
It is even better that you see live demo without frame. Click and see it here:http://www.twice-themes.com/demo/7shop/
Seven shop is completely responsive Magento theme and it looks very nice on every device such as tablets, smart phones and monitors.
Theme has two layout options:
- Boxed layout
- Wide layout
You can use boxed and wide layout options for your website. Theme package contains more than 30 background patterns and you can use this backgrounds or just simple add some good background picture or promotion banner.
Images from preview are not included in theme pack
All four options has a product image slider for more views option with cloud zoom feature for main product image.For every product, you can place a brand logo and change content for CMS static block.
Previous/Next links are included at the product detail page.
This is the complete list for product detail page.
You can change every part of product detail page, change image size, CMS block content, place or remove brand logo and add a content or images atthe custom product tab.
Theme has a two options for home page. First option is page with promotion banners and two products sliders and second is with news blockon the right side and new products on the left. Labels such as Featured, New and on Sale can bemodified from Magento admin panel.
You can change height for every image height for home page slider from admin panel.
You can use different options for product hover on category page and grid view. If you are using shorter style, wishlist and compare icons will be visible on hover and otherwise if you are using classic style all icons will be visible on relase and hover effect.
Both options contains image hover effect. On hover product thumbnail can be changed from admin panel.
You can change background color or make it transparent for product image hover very easy.
Seven shop theme contains a lot of different options for category page. You can use 3, 4 or 6 products per row and enable or disable left sidebar.
If you are using theme with sidebar, you can place content or images for 2 CMS blocks and make your own promotion.
Also, every category page has a image slider at the top of the page. You can disable this feature or use category image instead.
You can use two different options for category navigation menu:
- Classic navigation style
- Wide navigation style
For tablet and smart phone resolution screen, classic and wide navigation style will be transform.
Also, all footer links will be changed for smaller screen resolutions.
List of all theme features
- Responisive and retina ready
- SEO Optimized
- A lot of different options for product page (brand logo, previous\next links, upsell and related sliders, custom CMS block and tab and more)
- Structured written code
- Predefined color schemes
- Customizable layout – Boxed and Wide
- Well documented PDF file with a screens how to properly install 7shop theme
- Detail oriented
- Home page variants with or without newsblock(CMS static block)
- Flexibile home page slider change height for every image in slider
- Product hover options use different options with show/hide options for wishlist and compare icons
- Mobile&Tablet navigation friendly classic and wide navigation which is transform for mobile and tablet screen resolution
- PSD files included
- Flexibile category page slider place different image slider for every store category or put only promotion banner and text
- Redesigned all account pages and checkout page new interface with elements for account and checkout pages
- Customizable category grid view use 3, 4 or 6 products per row with or without left sidebar
- Cloud zoom feature main image zoom with image slider for small images
- Previous / Next links on the product detail page
- New and Sale ribbons
- Login / Logout links
- Responsive footer all links at footer will transform for phone screen resolution
- Quick cart in header with promotion text quick cart which is showing number of products in cart and CMS block for promotion text
- Extensive support for every our item
Theme Changlelog
- Version 1.0 – click here
Credit resources for images
Images are not included in theme pack.You can buy it on Depositphotos website.
Category : Templates, ecommerce, magento | Rating: