jQuery Tabs Plugin DZS – Need a neat way to present your content? Responsive, compatible, advanced but easy to use. The first real jQuery plugin for advanced tabs.
- easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
- sample setup included - a sample setup with the plugin to show an example on how it can be configured
- dzs tooltips included - a tooltip plugin from our portfolio is included to provide rich experience to your users
- three skins + three transitions – three full skins, each with it’s own transition, easy to apply a skin, only by applying a class to the main container
- iPhone/iPad compatible – this plugin is compatible with iToys
- full of choices – everything you could want from a tabs plugin
- html supported – inline content is no problem for this plugin
- responsive – advanced tabs works in any layout and environment
UPDATE 1.01 [ 05/02/2013 ]
- fixed thumbnail
- revised documentation
What do you get?
- advanced tabs jqueryplugin – get creative!
- sample setup – a sample setup with the plugin to show an example on how it can be configured
- documentation – extensive documentation on how to install & configure the plugin
- free updates – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free
- free support – for installation via my forum ->
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Category : Scripts, javascript, media | Rating: