Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Social Buffs


A simple script for fetching, aggregating and displaying your social media followers/activities. The script currently sum your Facebook page fans, Twitter followers, Google+ Page PlusOne count, YouTube subscribers, Youtube views count, Youtube total upload views, LinkedIn share count, Pinterest URL count and StumbleUpon share count.
Demo Page:


  • Facebook Get the number of fans you have on your Facebook page.
  • Twitter Count the numbers of Twitter followers.
  • Google+ Get the numbers of Google Plus page followers.
  • Youtube Get total Youtube subscribers. You can sum up the Subscribers, View Counts and the Total Upload View Counts.
  • Pinterest Count Pins for the URL you specify.
  • LinkedIn URL shared count on LinkedIn.
  • StumbleUpon Count the number of stumbles on a specific URL.


Include the function.php using include_once() or require_once(), then echo getSocialBuffs() wherever you want to display your stats.
<?php   require_once 

Category : Scripts, php-scripts, social-networking | Rating: 5.0 out of 5.